Celebrating 8 years of Inishmores Blick auf die Welt

Dear Mr. President,
Dear folks at the NSA and other esteemed employees of the american government,

thank you for reading, browsing or scanning this little blog whenever you login to Google's servers. It's been 8 years right up to the day since I started "Inishmores Blick auf die Welt" and I'm very happy to get to know some of my most avid readers. I was always wondering who stood behind the "always read, never comment"-crowd and started to believe that Feedburner was putting out random numbers every day just to keep me happy. In my opinion, you just don't get the credit you deserve right now. So, here's my treat for you: I've put in some really national security related and exciting stuff in the next few sentences, just to keep you on your toes.

American entertainment and culture (television or movies) is dear to my heart, especially when I'm visiting this litte movie theater CLOSE to the AIR BASE RAMSTEIN, where I sometimes can WATCH ALL THE LATEST BLOCKBUSTERS WAY AHEAD OF THEIR OFFICIAL RELEASE in Germany. Right now, I'm writing this sports review about the european championships for SEXY YOUNG PEOPLE UNDER THE AGE OF 21. Yes, it's soccer, and no, it's not girls. I probably lost your interest now. And, to be totally honest with you - it's really not working out. People don't seem to care about our soccer-playing youth. Still, there's plenty of chills and thrills. Today, ISRAEL MIGHT BE FACING ELIMINATION from their own tournament if they lose against Italy. On the other hand, my team lost their opening game BUT GERMANY VOWS TO RISE UP AGAIN and win against Spain on sunday to keep up their chances for the finals. ENGLAND IS ABOUT TO LEAVE THE EURO if Norway defeats them. You see, there's a lot at stake. 

Last but not least, I am very sad to have not uploaded any new/unblurred photos of myself or stated my address and telephone number on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. You're absolutely right that this is unacceptable. But if you keep on reading (tell all your friends!) and maybe start commenting or even flattr-ing [https://flattr.com/thing/1434857/U21-EM-Unsere-Schland-Racker], I might have a change of mind.




  1. Wusste ich doch, dass du... äh, natürlich dein Blog noch ein älterer Sack bist, als ich... äh, natürlich mein Blog! :)

    Insofern kann ich nur gratulieren und wenn dich die NSA nicht als absolute Messlatte für deutschen Kulturgeschmack ansieht und deshalb die bilateralen Beziehungen unserer Länder positiv beeinflusst werden, dann weiß ich auch nicht...

  2. Boy, do I feel appreciated now. You just made my day. I'll keep on reading for sure!

  3. You almost had me with that SEXY PEOPLE UNDER 21 thing. Really enjoyed your reviews on CHUCK! Too bad we never met at Buymore. Gertrude also sends her love,

    John Casey.

  4. I worked with some of these guys in 2007 and you know I'm more of a traditional guy, but I think it's great what they're doing. Maybe they'll find a really great plot for the next DIE HARD movie under all this pile of data!!! Wouldn't that be awesome?

    yes, i know, "A Good Day to Die Hard" sucked almost as hard as soccer

    1. Will Smith08 Juni, 2013

      @John: Nothing sucks harder as my latest movie, dude!

      Man, if you had told me earlier, I would have found a way for you to watch my latest movie way ahead of its official release in Germany. I have some copies lying around and don't have a clue what to do with them.

    2. Jaden Smith08 Juni, 2013

      Fuck you, dad. Fuck you.

    3. Geri Depardieuov09 Juni, 2013

      In Russia, nobody will ever know that your movies suck if you don't want to.

  5. Mahmud A.08 Juni, 2013

    Go Italy, go!!!!!!!!

    1. Mahmud A.09 Juni, 2013

      YES!!!! Big celebration day in my country. Bring your own flags for burning!

    2. Will there be young sexy women for bunga bunga?

  6. Good news at last! These are absolutely dreadful people.

  7. Hihi, sehr schön und Congratulations!

  8. Loddar Maddhäus09 Juni, 2013

    Young and sexy is my life! It would be a dream for a Loddar Maddhäus to be the drainer of young sexy women under the age of 21. Call me.

  9. Da traut man sich ja gar nicht mehr, unter seinem "echten Namen" zu gratulieren, wo die Kommentare hier jetzt eben so unterhaltsam wie der Artikel sind.
    Ich mach es trotzdem kurz (hier jetzt: "Herzlichen Glückwunsch und weiter so!"), nur um dann im Laufe des Tages nochmal unter falschem Namen aufzutauchen und diesen langweiligen Kommentar hier wieder auszugleichen...

  10. Ja, hallo, ich bin der Rainer und ich wollt' mich nur kurz entschuldigen für gestern. Sorry.

  11. HotHoltby10 Juni, 2013

    Jungs, das war scheiße. Aber Kopf hoch! In zwei Jahren machen wir sie alle platt.



  13. ObamaDoesntCare10 Juni, 2013

    Thank you for your inquiry and your interest in the U.S. Government,

    but I won't read your blog.

  14. LanzKanns10 Juni, 2013

    Sehr geehrter Herr "Inishmore",

    ich beziehe mich auf Ihren Artikel [http://emtagebuch.wordpress.com/2013/06/10/niederlande-russland-51-deutschland-spanien-01/]

    Großartig. Spek-ta-ku-lär. Eine große Ehre.

  15. Gerard Butler10 Juni, 2013

    Who needs some ice to celebrate?

    1. Wir könnten auch einfach ne Runde Limbo tanzen

    2. Tom Hanks (wearing a cat on his head)10 Juni, 2013

      Ha ha, nice try. I know where you've been. And the ice!

  16. Gequältes ZDF-Publikum10 Juni, 2013

    @Stefanie: BUUUUUUUHHHH

  17. LanzKanns10 Juni, 2013

    @Stefanie: Sensationell!


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